Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Savory Oat Bread

Savory Oat Bread

Weekend baking!! I love baking on the weekend, it's so much fun. I think i am slowly turning into my friend Kristin from cooking and school work! Shortly after baking this bread, I posted a photo on Instagram and then I saw that Kristin posted a very similar photo of her bread in the oven.  Now if K lived here, I would have skipped the baking and just eaten her bread. She's a great baker. But until she finishes up school, I am stuck making my own bread.. wah wah #firstworldproblems

friends, instagram, bread

So just when I thought I was getting the hang of making bread, this recipe through me for a bit of a loop. It doesn't use the same standard formula of mixing the yeast with warm water and then adding the other ingredients. It is still very easy to follow, and make. Recipe inspired by Kitchen aid recipe for Summer time Savory Oat Bread, from the Kitchen aid cookbook.

I love that it uses carrots and onions. I have a lot of carrots from my veggie share so this was a good chance to use some of them up. I also made carrot soup (recipe to come sometime soon as i have had some requests for it). I had my parents over for lunch and we had the soup and melted cheese breads using this bread. I had to eat a lot of bread to carbo load for my big 5K army run on Sunday. I am mostly kidding, because you really don't need to carb load for such a short race. At the same time, any excuse to eat bread works for me. Also, even though the race is short in distance, it still takes a lot out of you if you are pushing yourself. My run went pretty well, given my training ( or lack there of). I did train, but didn't do enough speed work or intervals leading up to it.  I definitely started out too fast and was dead about 2km in.. and that's when the mental challenge begins to not to give up, stop or slow down (too much!). As Jillian Michaels would say, "Don't phone it in"

anyway back to the bread. For the recipe..

Needed: 2 bread pans
Optional - recommended: kitchen aid stand mixer with bread hook to kneed dough (this can be done by hand too
Optional - definitely not necessary: food processor to chop up onions and grate carrots, candy thermometer to measure temperature of butter mixture

- 1/2 cup fine chopped onion
- 2 cups whole wheat flour
- 4 1/4 cups all purpose flour
- 2 cups large flake oats
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 2 packages active dry yeast
- 1 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1 1/4 cups skim milk
- 1/2 stick butter
- 1 cup shredded carrots
- 3 tablespoons dried parsley or Italian herbs
- 1 tablespoon butter, melted

- In  a small fry pan cook onions until tender, about 3 minutes ( add a bit of oil or butter if you aren't using a non-stick pan
- stir together whole wheat flour, 1 cup all-purpose flour, oats, sugar, yeast and salt in a bowl
- heat water, milk and 1/2 stick butter in a small pot, until it reaches between 120-140 F degrees. If you don't have a thermometer, just test it with your finger and feel that it is warm but not too hot.

how to make oat
Making sure the butter mixture is between 120-140 degrees F
- In bowl of stand mixer, mix butter mixture and flour mixture and blend on low until flour is moistened, then blend on medium for 3 minutes
- Stir in carrots, onions, dried herbs and remaining flour
- Switch to dough hook if using. Kneed on low, or by hand for about 8 minutes or untill smooth and elastic. Place in a large greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap or a tea towel
- Let rise about 30 minutes and then punch down. Cover again and let rise another 10 minutes and separate into two. Form into loaves and put int he 2 greased bread pans. Brush with melted butter and cover
- let rise another 30 minutes, during which time you can preheat the oven to 350 F
- Bake 40-45 minutes until bread sounds hollow when tapped
- Remove from pans and cool on wire rack.


It seems like a lot of work, but it really wasn't bad at all. Typing up this recipe was worse.

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