Friday, September 20, 2013

The Target Experience- Part 2!!

Well it is almost the weekend! T- 1 hour until not only does my weekend begin, but my cousin J arrives from Austria! I cannot wait :) Her flight should actually be landing any minute..

So before I delve into the activities of the weekend, I want to share the rest of my target experience. It's funny, because after meeting so many bloggers, my blogger reader feed is filled with posts about target. Seeing everyone's beautiful photos makes me want a better camera!

Tuesday morning I woke up at the crack of dawn to make my way to billings bridge.

The breakfast was yummy and it was nice to see some familiar faces from the day before. From there we went to line up outside target. I was well prepared to brave the semi-cold weather with my enormous sweater. We took some group photos outside of target and then waited a few minutes until the store  opened at 8 am. 

In the lineup we were offered swag bags- I am sucker for these- and also love the clear bag!

Once inside there was a huge rush to the Philip Lim Bags. Someone right at the front of line got apparently 12 bags. By the time I got there there were none left, however some of the other ladies were kind enough to share and I did make away with the tote that I wanted. I am very grateful! For those who were disappointed, and didn't get what they hoped for, the Philip Lim line is expected to be restocked each week. 

I also got some booties, which i love, and kitchen tongues. I will definitely be going back soon to peruse the decor aisles some more..! 

Have a great weekend! I will be back with some recipes and possibly restaurant reviews, next week! 

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