Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Chocolate Chip Muffins and Juliet in Ottawa

Last week, Juliet was in town for a world-wind trip. My aunt and uncle were here too, meaning that our week was filled with family dinners. Stefan and I haven't done groceries in weeks.. we would just eat at my parents house every night with the family and Juliet would pack up bags of bagels and food for us to eat for breakfast everyday. No shame! But hey, my parents always buy way to much food, so really, it was win-win. It was so nice to have the family together.

We tried to make the most of Juliet's visit. We went running twice on the canal, saw some pretty views, got into The Handmaid's Tale (traumatic no? but I can't stop watching), shopped till we dropped, went to Bridgehead and Scone Witch, celebrated my uncle's birthday, and for some good old Canadian fun- went canoeing on the Canal!

The family also saw Mosaica and had a great time. Unfortunately I was at work..but I saw the photos. It has really grown since I saw it in July!

Juliet also cleaned, sorted and organized our apartment while we were at work. Do I have the best cousin or what? it makes such a big difference! I swear she did that out of her own free will.

For my uncle's birthday, I whipped up this decadent chocolate cake. Everyone liked it, and it made up for our so-so dinner. Finally, a smile on my uncle's face.

I also made some chocolate chip muffins for a charity event at work! I followed this recipe. I will remember the tip to heat at high temperature first and then lower the temperature. Apparently that helps create a fluffy, bakery-style, muffin.

and spotted on Juliet's instagram

I think Juliet really wanted a muffin, she decided to come to work with me for the charity event. She got to visit a few friends and spent the morning studying (sleeping?) at an empty desk. Haha, I won't post the photo evidence. And then, just like that, our week together was up, as Stefan and I were off to Lake Placid for the long weekend. Missing you already Juliet! Time to move to Ottawa!

1 comment:

Riyanna Lopez said...

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