Friday, October 06, 2017

Stefan's Quiche

Stefan and I said we'd bring a quiche to L&J's dinner for the break fast last week. Because I was fasting, and I tend to get hangry/emotional/grumpy.. Stefan told me to stay OUT of the kitchen and that he would make the quiche. Yahoo!! Well, of course, he went above and beyond and it resulted in these beautiful and delicious quiches. He wanted to show me the veggies at different stages of cooking, but I wasn't interested. I was like get this out of my sight!!  It all smelled so good. Anyway, they were well worth the wait.

Everyone liked them and asked him for the recipe. Usually Stefan just wings it, but he graciously wrote out his recipe so we could all benefit.

Here it is, enjoy!

Makes 2 quiches

- 2 pre-made pie shells (or if you are ambitious, make your own)
- 6 large eggs
- 1 cup light cream or milk (almond milk is fine too)
- 1/4 cup fennel chopped (roots and stems)
- 1/2 medium onion
- 1/3 cup mushrooms
- 1/4 cup bell pepper
- 2 cups cheese (sharp cheddar and mozzarella) - reserve some to top quiche
- pinch of garlic sliced thinly
- 1 tomato thinly sliced
- bunch parsley
- bunch chives
- 1/4 cup swiss chard cut into strips
- 1 tablespoon butter

- preheat oven to 375
- fry veggies in a pan with butter
- layer veggies and egg mixture (eggs and milk) in pie shells- except for tomatoes and herbs. These will be added in at the end only for last 10 minutes
- bake about 35 minutes
- place tomatoes and herbs and some cheese on top and bake additional 10 minutes or until just set.

As Stefan says, you need to stand by the oven and watch it like a hawk so it doesn't dry out.

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