Monday, October 19, 2015

Juice Cleanse

I decided to try a 3 day juice cleanse with Urban Press Juices.  Urban Juice Press is an Ottawa-based company. I am always happy to support local and pleased the juices are cold-pressed in Ottawa!

Cleanses are calorie-restrictive and help your body detoxify. I have been eating so much unhealthy food lately and just way too much of it. Add to that the "occasional" beer or glass(es) of wine and it is quite the slippery slope.  I thought this might help me get back on track.

S decided to do the cleanse with me, so we ordered it and hoped for the best. Just reading about the cleanse made me cry from laughing so hard. For example it says in the instructions that you can drink as much water and herbal tea as you want..great.. and it also says to practice gratitude, relax and to exfoliate your skin. S didn't even know what exfoliating meant and that just made me laugh even more.

Here are some of the Instructions:

"Try to keep your life as simple as possible during your cleanse where environmental stresses can be significantly reduced. Do yoga. Go for nature hikes. Do some stretches and meditate. Practice mindfulness and body awareness. Do daily gratitude. Encourage body perspiration and exfoliate your skin. Relax and enjoy and finally make sure you get a great night's sleep each night."

I can't exactly do any nature hikes right now because of my (injured) foot, but maybe I could spend a few minutes in the sauna in my building. It seems a bit sketchy down there, but now is a good a time as any to try it out.

When I told my mom we were doing this cleanse she said we were nuts. I said I will likely be very grumpy..ok? She was like umm, what's okay about that? So I think she will be keeping her distance for the next 3 days. As I have a tendency to get hangry, I apologize in advance for anything I may do or say during this 3 day period. I take no responsibility for any of my actions. Cool?

Pre-cleanse, we followed the instructions of drinking lemon water every day to prep your body.
Because neither S nor I do anything halfway, we decided to order the "medium" cleanse, rather than the beginner one. What fools we are.

Anyway, here are some of the details about the cleanse.

We get to drink 9 juices each day. Here they are:

Getting the juices in order last night

1) Happy Rabbit: Organic carrot, organic apple, organic pineapple, organic lemon, organic ginger
2) Immune Supercharge: Organic carrot, organic apple, organic beet, organic lemon, organic ginger
3) Skin Tonic: Organic cucumber, organic apple, organic lemon
4) Greens 101: Organic apple, organic cucumber, organic celery, organic kale
5) Immune Supercharge
6) Greens 101
7) Skin Tonic
8) Greens 101
9) Greens 201: Organic cucumber, organic celery, organic kale, organic lemon, organic ginger

It may seem like a lot, but the bottles are quite small (350ml). The idea is to drink one every 1.5-2 hours. 
The calories in each one vary between 100 and 150. Total calories each day: 1080 << eeekk!! 

I will try and do a summary each day and report back at the end on how it all went.

Here I am, losing it, after only the second juice of the cleanse..

I am not really hungry but I am craving a bagel. And coffee. Definitely coffee. Could go for a nice bagel and coffee from Tim Hortons right now.

Gotta run,  time for my next juice.. I am already falling behind on the schedule!

Read about Day 1- Day 2- Day 3- Post Cleanse

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